Monday, July 23, 2012

Georgia, A Pirate's Tale


For me, when thinking about pirates, Georgia is not one of the first places or things that come to mind. The Caribbean or Captain Morgan (spiced, over ice and mixed with sweet and sour) are more likely.



150However, Savannah has been from the 1700's and still is today an important seaport and trading post. Although the “John Depp's” of the day have long vanished, their history is still being kept alive here in a very entertaining way.

So if you want to learn about how rum was imported (smuggled) here during prohibition or if you want to know how to get a free trip to China then this Pirate's Tale might be just right for you.

However, one word out of you bloke, an you gonna be walkin the plank, mate. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh.






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