Sunday, May 15, 2011

Minnesota, A Prairie Home


It's May 14th, 2011 and I wake up in St. Paul, Minnesota, excited that I am on my way to try and buy a ticket to see “A Prairie Home Companion” show in Minneapolis.



A Prairie Home Arriving downtown Minneapolis, I face two disappointments.

One, the show has been sold out for six weeks.

Two, people are walking around in coats and hats because it's freezing. It's the 14th of May and I think I see a snowflake!




My second disappointment I deal with first inside the warm Rock Bottom Brewery. There, I enjoy a chilled Smoked Porter while watching the Twins play baseball in light rain and wintery weather. My first problem, I will tackle in about an hour or so.

It almost show time and I am back in the lobby of State Theater. “Ticket, I need just one ticket. Does anyone have one ticket?” As luck would have it, I find a gentlemen that has four of them. A little bargaining and I am on the main floor for $40.


The Show At 4:45pm, I am sitting at a live taping of a show that I enjoy on National Public Radio, NPR.

Live from downtown Minneapolis it’s…

“A Prairie Home Companion's Spring and Beauty Show. Brought to us by Yoplait, giving women the calcium they need.”



What a nice way to spend an afternoon. Much better than sitting in the rain watching a Minnesota Twins game while freezing my …. off.

Don't ya know!