Re-entering Yellowstone through The South Entrance, I ask a Park Ranger if there has been any recent bear sighting in the park.
“No, but there is a wolf chewing on a carcass about ten miles up the road”.
I hope he is right that it is a wolf. I will be disappointed if instead it is Fantastic Mr. Fox.
About 9 miles down the road traffic begins to slow, a tell tale sign that an animal or something interesting is happening down the road.
Slowing pass the gathered crowd, I park and grab my Canon Rebel.
From the highway, I can see a freshly killed elk lying in the middle of the river below.
The wolf and or Fantastic Mr. Fox are nowhere to be found, I am somewhat happy.
However, a nice surprise. “There's a grizzly down there”. “Where?”, “Where?”
Down on the river bank a grizzly is camped out. Getting as close as I care to get to a grizzly, a big brown head pops up from behind the bushes that separates us.
Although it does not have a “pic a nic basket”, it is the highlight of my trip to Yellowstone. To be about 50 yards from a grizzly bear is way, way frigging cool !!
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