Monday, July 23, 2012

Georgia, Hanging With Forrest Gump


I don't know if you would believe me if I told ya but I am gonna tell you anyway and maybe you are gonna believe me.


165I just came back from Viet .. Nam and I went straight back to Savannah. Well, not straight back cause I had to take a car, then a bus then an airplane. And I am sure the airplane did not go straight. It went up and down. It was a Del..ta airplane.

Anyway, I get home and low and bee..hold, who did I meet. I meet one Mr. Forrest Gump, the owner of The Bubba Gump Shrimp Company sitting right there on a park bench in Chippewa Square.

I think he liked my shoes, so although he was a gazillionaire, he showed me around Savannah.




200I saw the oldest movie theater in America where him and Jenny went on there first date then we went to Colonial Park Cemetery.

Although he did not tell me this, I think his father and his father before his father and his father before his father is buried here.






207There is also some other interesting people buried there like Button Gwinnett, one of the original signers of The Declaration Of Independence. I don't think he is signing anything, anymore.










I could sense a little sadness at our next stop, the restaurant where Jenny worked. Forrest, may not be a smart man but from standing there and having spent a little time with him, I think he knows what love is.






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