Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Nation’s Capital


Map picture

                   Washington, D.C









KA RoadTrip 019The White House, Executive Branch Of Government







While I will confess to not being “The Six Fingered Man” from “Princess Bride”, over the years I have been to “The Nation's Capital” more times than I have fingers and toes.


DSC00561 The Congress, Legislative Branch Of Government.






Although much negativity is made about the politics of Washington D.C, it is a city that truly represents what our country is about. To me, few things represent the greatest of a country than the ability of it's citizen to freely protest against it's government. Here you can do that steps from The White House.


AMS010 The Supreme Court, Judicial Branch Of Government.






From The Executive to The Judicial and The Legislative, the branches of our government are all located in close proximity to each other. It is rumored that there is even an tunnel that connects The White House to The Congress.


DSC00559 I hope you get the opportunity to visit Washington D.C. and discover a bit of America's past, it's present and it's future.






DSC00544This is just an introduction to “From Sea To Shining Sea”. I promise more stories about my travels across “The Land Of The Free” and hope you join me with your tales and comments.







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